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Brand New Advent Devotional
Available Now!

Advent: A Calendar of Devotions 2024 provides daily devotions to help you prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ. This annual favorite is a wonderful resource for churches to give to each family to help them observe Advent. Each day’s reading, from the first Sunday of Advent to Christmas Day, is based on the Revised Common Lectionary and includes the Scripture, a short devotion, and a brief prayer or practice. The devotional is printed with a larger font for ease of reading.
Sold in packs of 10 booklets, designed to fit in a #10 envelope, enabling churches to include them in Advent mailings and making it easy to share with visitors or others the church wishes to reach during the Advent season. Also available as an eBook.
Hi I’m Pastor Charity Goodwin. I currently serve as Pastor of Spiritual Formation & Groups at The Gathering UMC, a fast growing, multisite church in St. Louis, Mo. In my 20-plus years serving United Methodist Churches from small, medium, large, new church start, urban, Black, white, and Latinx with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I helped many in the congregation more fully know Jesus and practice their faith as a way of life. At the end of the day, Ministry is being in the people business. It's healthy and engaged people who grow churches not programs.

Certified Coach, Pastor,
Author & Facilitator
Events with Charity Goodwin
Mary Saou
"You have everything to gain by working with Charity. Her gentle nudges to go deeper, reflect, to really make space, all contribute to a meaningful experience of spiritual growth." - Mary Saou

Kim Hoover
"Coaching with Charity has helped me to learn to celebrate accomplishments and not just keep focused on what isn't done yet. It has been very helpful to talk through the big picture and break it down in to incremental steps. I have become a better listener and more in tune with the things I am allowing to get in my way."
- Kim Hoover
"To learn about your emotional IQ is so beneficial in learning how to deal with emotions that pastors have trouble dealing with, because of who we are and who the public supposes us to be. Charity helps you walk through those challenges and also helps you better understand to recognize when you begin to feel the negative feeling, while very normal, and helps you turn those feeling around to positives, which help all parties concerned, which also helps your soul stay focused on God and not the chaos." - Pati Robertson
Rev. Yvi Martin
"Working on EQ with Charity, our team has developed a stronger sense of self (both individually and collectively). Many on our team have grown significantly in understanding how to name what they are feeling and how it is affecting their response. The more open lines of communication on this subject have allowed for a different and more honest form of collaboration." - Rev. Yvi Martin
Steve Blacksher
"If you want to dig deep into what's going on in your call and ministry, and have someone come along side you for the journey to challenge and encourage you to move forward, then I would definitely tell you to hire Charity as a coach. One of the things that helps me the most is Charity's willingness to appropriately ask those tough questions. It's been vital to my journey!" - Steve Blacksher

"When there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. " Proverbs 15:22
Pati Robertson
Partner Appreciation
Integer Network serves individuals and teams by fostering safe environments where people can learn how to be authentic, connected, and whole. We specialize in helping people to live integrated lives at work and at home..and we do it through coaching.
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